New York Times Bestselling Author Teri Wilson writes heartwarming contemporary romance with a touch of whimsy. Four of Teri’s books have been adapted into Hallmark Channel Original Movies, including UNLEASHING MR. DARCY (plus its sequel MARRYING MR. DARCY), ROYAL-ISH, based on her book ONCE UPON A ROYAL SUMMER, THE ART OF US and NORTHERN LIGHTS OF CHRISTMAS, based on her book SLEIGH BELL SWEETHEARTS. She is also a recipient of the prestigious RITA Award for excellence in romantic fiction and a 2022 inductee into the San Antonio Women’s Hall of Fame.
When she’s not writing, Teri enjoys visiting schools and health care facilities with her Cavalier King Charles spaniel Charm, a registered therapy dog and reading education assistance dog. Teri also loves pretty dresses, cupcakes, going to the ballet and following the British royal family. Visit her at or on Instagram @teriwilsonauthor.